I know psychologically everyone wants to be mortgage free asap however as said above, very often paying off your mortgage early at the detriment of investing early and loading your pension up, very often was actually the most unwise choice you could have made in your 30s/40s
The older you get the less likely the above will still ring true. And the shit show we are currently in also has thrown a spanner in the works somewhat.
paying off your mortgage early at the detriment of investing early and loading your pension up, very often was actually the most unwise choice you could have made in your 30s/40s
I know psychologically everyone wants to be mortgage free asap however as said above, very often paying off your mortgage early at the detriment of investing early and loading your pension up, very often was actually the most unwise choice you could have made in your 30s/40s
The older you get the less likely the above will still ring true. And the shit show we are currently in also has thrown a spanner in the works somewhat.