If I set up another profile with WhatsApp in it will I have to switch to it to check notifications or will they show on both profiles? And will calls from profile 2 show on profile 1?
It wasn't an official work request to add WhatsApp. Just an informal training group chat to arrange stuff. I didn't want to be the odd one out but I also hate Facebook.
The two profiles can run simultaneously. You can get notifications from both at the same time and you can even have shortcuts to apps for both profiles on your home screen. It's pretty seamless.
Cheers @aggi
If I set up another profile with WhatsApp in it will I have to switch to it to check notifications or will they show on both profiles? And will calls from profile 2 show on profile 1?
It wasn't an official work request to add WhatsApp. Just an informal training group chat to arrange stuff. I didn't want to be the odd one out but I also hate Facebook.