I'd rather avoid more expenses, have not established yet if I've made a good investment. Had further info from the seller, it should be rideable (though not electrically assisted) as it is, with minor maintenance I could do on the spot... Then it will be a hell of a ride home. It comes with original non electric rear wheel, which I'll try to use if I can (want to believe I can manage without electric assist for now, probably I'm being naive, but...)
Maybe get a few mates together and make cafe/pub/takeaway ride of it? Even one extra pair of legs would make it easier if you took turns. There is plenty of space for refreshments after all.
I'd rather avoid more expenses, have not established yet if I've made a good investment. Had further info from the seller, it should be rideable (though not electrically assisted) as it is, with minor maintenance I could do on the spot... Then it will be a hell of a ride home. It comes with original non electric rear wheel, which I'll try to use if I can (want to believe I can manage without electric assist for now, probably I'm being naive, but...)