I've tried to average out stack and reach measurements on the frames I like the look of for my new project but can I do a sanity check, does 510mm reach and 640mm stack sound alright for me at 6'2 with kinda short legs?
The LTS frame should be here within the next couple hours so I'll need to see what impact the shape of it has on those measurements but, good place to start/aim for?
Also, everything should be measured static, without sag or anything right?
The Merida One Sixty has a 79deg sta and on the Long that I rode the reach is 498mm, I thought it felt short, the X Long reach is 525mm so I went sort of in the middle.
I've tried to average out stack and reach measurements on the frames I like the look of for my new project but can I do a sanity check, does 510mm reach and 640mm stack sound alright for me at 6'2 with kinda short legs?
The LTS frame should be here within the next couple hours so I'll need to see what impact the shape of it has on those measurements but, good place to start/aim for?
Also, everything should be measured static, without sag or anything right?