• If said women are espousing transphobic views they deserve to be shouted down.

    And that's the point - we shouldn't be having a 'debate' about excluding a particular protected characteristic from anything.

  • Perhaps their views aren't transphobic
    Rather they differ to yours but remain worthy of toleration and should be heard.

  • I've literally just explained why they are, and why transphobia shouldn't be tolerated.

    For a more extreme example, if you think that a debate about excluding trans people should be tolerated and heard, would you feel the same way if I started a thread about removing certain rights from black people?

    If that doesn't convince you, here's another (relevant) quote from that Stonewall page I linked to:

    We are constantly questioned on our existence, treated hostilely and ridiculed in the name of debate. We are constantly exposed to hate and criticism in the media and daily life as the public respond to the media’s attitudes. I’m sick of being described as a mentally ill freak.
