Indeed. And no fault or blame. Since picking up skiing I spent a lot of time doing debriefs and now use it elsewhere, to learn from near misses and worse.
Perhaps pulling in and letting the idiot pass is a take away. And or not trying to stop them.
I had a similar situation in a car, in a 20, idiot was trying to pass me and driving so close. I got in his way to stop him passing. He then started following me. I then stopped to let him pass, he then got out his car with a knife. Thankfully I sped off and lost him. I now just either stop and let idiots go or do nothing to agitate them.
I'm sorry for you and your bike, it's shit.
Having been hit by cars on the pushbikes, I thought I’d got that learning done.
Been replaying it over and over. There is always something different you can do, but doesn’t change that it happened already.