Indeed. And no fault or blame. Since picking up skiing I spent a lot of time doing debriefs and now use it elsewhere, to learn from near misses and worse.
Perhaps pulling in and letting the idiot pass is a take away. And or not trying to stop them.
I had a similar situation in a car, in a 20, idiot was trying to pass me and driving so close. I got in his way to stop him passing. He then started following me. I then stopped to let him pass, he then got out his car with a knife. Thankfully I sped off and lost him. I now just either stop and let idiots go or do nothing to agitate them.
I'm sorry for you and your bike, it's shit.
Not to be a cunt but it's a good learning opportunity huh. What could I have done differently to avoid this situation. I hope you do a debrief.
How's the bike? Write of or fixable?