I've got no first hand experience of any of these things but phones have had tracking in them for ages now and any time I've read a story online of someone who's been able to use the tracking to locate it down to a house/flat/block and reported that to the police they've been told it's not enough information or accurate enough or something and won't do anything. I doubt that would change for bikes unless a number were being taken to the same place and a number of trackers were pinging from one garden eventually.
I've got no first hand experience of any of these things but phones have had tracking in them for ages now and any time I've read a story online of someone who's been able to use the tracking to locate it down to a house/flat/block and reported that to the police they've been told it's not enough information or accurate enough or something and won't do anything. I doubt that would change for bikes unless a number were being taken to the same place and a number of trackers were pinging from one garden eventually.