• I mean Dan Dan noodles are so good. Very difficult to get the sechuan peppercorns fresh enough to punch your lips off though.

    Any tips? I’m using peppercorn oil atm but it’s not the same. I really want chilli oil that burns and numbs and tingles. Haven’t yet gotten anything as good as I used to get at the restaurant. Is a sad affair.

  • Sorry, late to reply here. I'm afraid I've never found a good source of fresh sechuan peppercorns in Glasgow.
    But I admit that I prefer making a sweeter DanDan over the transcendental sechuan numbness as my young kids love the DanDan but can't handle that sort of heat.

    Home made chilli oil really is the way to go. Tonnes of recipes on youtube, I make one thats really just a combo of different recipes I've copied over the years. You can really go over board with the heat with the diy route.
