I found this really useful. Previously I've tried to sit up a bit on the saddle and this has caused perineal pain under the pubic arch which made me hate SMP saddles. I found it odd because in this position the saddle is incredibly comfortable but then the pain develops over time.
Rolling the pelvis forward considerably like in this diagram seems to work better and seems to solve a lot of other niggles e.g knees, hands etc.
Really noticing quite a bit of discomfort/pain on the ischiopubic ramus but I think this is because these bones have never really taken any weight before so it's a completely new feeling. Sounds like I should see if the discomfort decreases as the bones get a bit more used to it.
Anyone else with similar experience?
edit: I'm on a Nymber at 5.5 degrees
The Composit that I had was well out of my size range going by the above chart, I don't think it was ever going to be comfortable for me no matter how I positioned myself on it.
But it's good to know this detail about not relying on the sit bones, I hadn't heard this before.
I'm keeping my eye out for the PRO model, so I'll bear this in mind.