If you’re going to lay ~50mm ducting and want to run fibre, you may as well just shove a standard pre-made length of single-mode duplex LC-LC terminated patch cable down there. Plenty of room to pull it through, and (depending on where you buy) cheaper than copper CATx these days.
If it breaks during the feed-through process, just chuck it and pull another one through. We pay ~£12 for a 100-metre OS2 duplex LC-LC cable these days, and that’s from a UK supplier.
Splicing fibre requires an expensive machine and some training. You can get pre-terminated fibre in a specific length with a protective end so you can pull it through duct without damaging it. It's quite expensive compared to copper.
I'd put a pair of parallel plastic ducts under the concrete. BT specify 54mm solid duct and solid bends. Cable companies use Flexi duct like https://www.drainagepipe.co.uk/flexi-duct-50mm-i-d-x-50mtr-black-coil-p-D50B/
You can get fancy duct sealing products like https://www.millsltd.com/default/cable-management/duct-sealing/filoseal-duct-sealing-kit-75-125mm.html but I'd probably use some packaging foam or something depending on where the ends are.