Anyone remember the BSE panic? For a while I was quite scared because there was a brief period when infected meat, from spines I think, got into the human foodchain, giving people variant CJD. Throughout that period I was a despatch rider, eating about 4 Big Macs per week. The incubation period may be forever. By 2013 177 people had had vCJD and 1 in 2,000 people were carrying the proteins, whatever that means.
Anyone remember the BSE panic? For a while I was quite scared because there was a brief period when infected meat, from spines I think, got into the human foodchain, giving people variant CJD. Throughout that period I was a despatch rider, eating about 4 Big Macs per week. The incubation period may be forever. By 2013 177 people had had vCJD and 1 in 2,000 people were carrying the proteins, whatever that means.