I just worked it out but then realised that cement and sand and aggregate probably weigh different amounts so you can’t convert from volume to mass reliably.
I think you need slightly more than 1m3 of concrete (3*4.5*0.075=1.0125m3). Google tells me typically, 1m3 of concrete is made up of 350Kg of cement, 700Kg of sand, 1,200Kg of chippings and 150 Litres of water. (Which is about a 1:2:3.7 ratio)
So 1m3 would be 14 x 25kg bags of cement, you might need 15.
One 20 kg bag of Blue Circle multi-purpose concrete will typically produce around 0.01 m3 of fresh concrete (0.33m x 0.33m x 0.1m).
(According to the datasheet, https://tarmac-bluecircle.co.uk/multi-purpose-concrete/)
You need 3x4x0.075 which I make 1.01m3 or 101 bags.
Hi all. I want to build a base to lay some encaustic cement tiles in my garden. However, I can't find consistent advice regarding the best way to do it. Can someone confirm my process?
How many 20kgs ready-mix concrete bags will I roughly need? I don't have exterior access to my back garden and I have no front garden so I can't have bulk bags left out front.