Some mates cancelled on me today so I found a few hours to potter around the shed and mocked this up.
You can't turn the cranks sorta because the BB is held in by the tension bolts alone but I managed to pootle down the lane and back. It's so cool. Also please ignore the stem issues, I'm planning on making one, just waiting for some tubing to rock up.
Very cool project. I would vote for just clear coat on top of it's current finish instead of lacquer
Second, maybe also hand paint some thin border lines (like pin-striping) around the edges of the original paint and the scorch marks to define them, adding a little more 'intention' and finish.
Some mates cancelled on me today so I found a few hours to potter around the shed and mocked this up.
You can't turn the cranks sorta because the BB is held in by the tension bolts alone but I managed to pootle down the lane and back. It's so cool. Also please ignore the stem issues, I'm planning on making one, just waiting for some tubing to rock up.
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