After getting back from a rather long and overdue holiday, I saw this frame sitting in the workshop looking a bit sad.
As the weather went from decidedly grey to quite nice and grey I have concluded I need to get this bike on the road as soon as possible, and due to all the pitting and rust I'm not sure it's worth putting much more effort into incase I don't like it. As such, I brazed on the down tube cable adjusters (they are neither straight or symmetrical, but you can't tell unless you look closely) and a cable stop for the rear derailleur. Going to try to dimple the chain stays tomorrow.
My intention is now to rattle can this and start riding it to see how it goes.
I also had this complex plan for threading the BB shell, but I think I'm just going to get the external damaged thread bb and face the sides of the BB till it fits.
After getting back from a rather long and overdue holiday, I saw this frame sitting in the workshop looking a bit sad.
As the weather went from decidedly grey to quite nice and grey I have concluded I need to get this bike on the road as soon as possible, and due to all the pitting and rust I'm not sure it's worth putting much more effort into incase I don't like it. As such, I brazed on the down tube cable adjusters (they are neither straight or symmetrical, but you can't tell unless you look closely) and a cable stop for the rear derailleur. Going to try to dimple the chain stays tomorrow.
My intention is now to rattle can this and start riding it to see how it goes.
I also had this complex plan for threading the BB shell, but I think I'm just going to get the external damaged thread bb and face the sides of the BB till it fits.
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