We moved house and inherited a petrol lawn mower. I'm not in to that and the garden isn't exactly large so bought a cheap electric one. 3rd time using it on Sunday and it just died. Tried to get the petrol one working but it won't start, I don't have the knowledge or will power to bother trying to fix it. Now I'm going to have to pay for someone to come and fix this one, and if they can't buy a new bloody one.
We moved house and inherited a petrol lawn mower. I'm not in to that and the garden isn't exactly large so bought a cheap electric one. 3rd time using it on Sunday and it just died. Tried to get the petrol one working but it won't start, I don't have the knowledge or will power to bother trying to fix it. Now I'm going to have to pay for someone to come and fix this one, and if they can't buy a new bloody one.