These are supposed to be good, I've tried to pick one up on Gumtree/MarketPlace a couple of times but always been beaten to the punch. Has the polarity and ground lift to deal with all the stuff I don't quite understand but is supposed to be important in these situations.
You also just reminded me of the time I stopped using pedals and had just a JHD Ice Cube II and an AB box, I thought I was soooo cool. 🥸 The music my band at the time was making was fucking garbage, we totally lost the plot. Total dogshit.
The Ice Cube was a fun little gadget tho', turns your reverb tube (12AX7, I think?) into an extra gain stage which then turns your Twin into a three channel amp! Ingenious but not amazing sounding. Bit flabby and 70s.
Boring post alert. I'm looking at ABY boxes. I've been using a TU-2 to split my signal into two amps for years but it means having the tuner in an awkward spot on the board. Tuner placement is already quite an annoying conundrum as the TU2 has a buffer and makes my fuzzes sound awful if placed on front, so it can't go first. This has a tuner out as well so I'm hoping I can make it work. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/electro-harmonix-switchblade-plus-aby-pedal/78863?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwpayjBhAnEiwA-7ena9ntY8nx29vAGREgwjKTCwu1w7NWxW5MmMR0Zl5l-2c3xtAWfKbgRBoCpSYQAvD_BwE