I've only done one of the 4 region-specific quests (analogous to the Devine Beasts in BotW). I went on a bit of a shrine-fest and while I've now got around 45 of them, I poured most of those into stamina so am still pretty underpowered.
In terms of weapons, you can try slapping some random monster parts on them to add to the strength. The various skeleton arms are surprisingly strong (and not too weak when attached to a sturdy base weapon).
Also 2 pet peeves of mine so far. BotW trained me to expect a korok under every rock you can pick up, now they're bloody everywhere and no koroks under any of them. Also, I've only got Rito special ability so far, and it's a crap compared to the equivalent BotW one IMO.
I am struggling with Zelda TOTK at the moment.
Mainly because I'm playing as though I have end-game armour and weapons, while attacking the Lurelin pirate camp of Black Bokobkins and Lizalfos.
I am only a few hours of gameplay in, though, and have a total armour of 12, hardly any recipes, and about three weapons with over 10 strength.
I should probably try the main quest at some point.