Finally got around to this today. Apart from having to turn right off the A20 and it trying to send me up a disused footpath in Eynsford (probably an OSMAnd issue), it was great. Knatts Valley descent was glorious and I was thankful there were no real hills on the way back. Will do again, though might find a different route to Mottingham Lane next time.
No worries - it was kind of funny trying to negotiate a footpath and some back streets while thinking 'where the fuck is this route taking me?' Nearly turned back but found Bower Lane and figured that was the right road. Glad I didn't turn back as the next 10 miles or so were incredible.
Finally got around to this today. Apart from having to turn right off the A20 and it trying to send me up a disused footpath in Eynsford (probably an OSMAnd issue), it was great. Knatts Valley descent was glorious and I was thankful there were no real hills on the way back. Will do again, though might find a different route to Mottingham Lane next time.