Well it’s taken me fucking ages to fashion a basic battery bracket, but I guess that’s testament to life with two kids and a job. Anyway, it’s done now. Next job, installing the motor. Check back in 3 months time.
Much better mounting the battery this way around, as key access isn’t impeded by the rear seat and bags, and I don’t need to be able to push the battery back towards the wheel to remove it, so I can put a sheet of something right up against it to protect it from mud spray.
It helps that it’s no longer so fucking cold and I’m happy to be out in the garage for an evening now. I should put an electric heater in there, but I need to seal up all the gaps before doing that otherwise I might as well throw money down a hole.
Well it’s taken me fucking ages to fashion a basic battery bracket, but I guess that’s testament to life with two kids and a job. Anyway, it’s done now. Next job, installing the motor. Check back in 3 months time.
Much better mounting the battery this way around, as key access isn’t impeded by the rear seat and bags, and I don’t need to be able to push the battery back towards the wheel to remove it, so I can put a sheet of something right up against it to protect it from mud spray.