I think this seller is legit….
Usually these scammers obviously don’t have the bike in front of them, ask them for specific close up photos and they can’t provide.
But I WhatsApp’d the number and they gave me lots of close up photos, really specific request, the bike is hanging up and you can see the other bikes in the back ground.
The Tomassini can be seen hanging in the background
Can you please report these frauds to stop people getting ripped off. I know eBay is "safe" but this seller is clearly making it all up, the pictures are from different locations, and can be found at other places on the web. They have a bunch of listings, so please report a couple to do your bit.
From Reddit 2yrs ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Bikeporn/comments/lzfuqu/84_cinelli_supercorsa_full_campy_50th/
Now on eBay