I've got a lot of use out of my Cinturato M 50mm. It was installed as a front tyre but when we rode An Turas I moved it to the back to allow some mud clearance. It got one flat on the road at the end of An Turas but none on any of the gravel. Still using it as as rear tyre now - did most of 7S route and some extra and no issues.
As a emotionless robot I am in the camp of "there's no such thing as tyre feel, you're just slow, so stop your nonsense and get pedaling"
The missus had no issues with her Sendero 47mm front and rear during 7S. I was a bit jealous of the grip she had (mostly while lying in the grass having shot sideways across some muddy track - wtf is mud anyway)
Pirelli seem to get recommended a lot too, but I've no experience of them myself.