You are right, I'm always a grass is greener type when I'm bored or trying to ignore other pressing needs (new windows).
Love driving the car and will run it till at least winter. I need to at least get some wear out of the new cross climate tyres $$$$
I think an A6 All road with air suspension is probably the answer in the future
In other news, don't put wheel cleaner on if your neighbour is about to chat your ear off for 30 mins, calipers look like rusty crap now.
Depends how much you value things like interior quality and nvh. In my experience of owning a grand total of two Audi's... An A3 and our current 2015 A4 Avant quattro is that yes, the tax is real but it's hard to ignore the solid and hard wearing interior that looks and feels great. The unburstable feel on the highway and generally very quiet and comfortable at speed. For now I'm ignoring the high service costs and occasional gremlins.