Our patio is going fairly well, but given we over ordered slabs, plus the slab Co over-delivered, I'm a bit annoyed they didn't sort the rougher slabs so that they either weren't used or used in the less visible parts.
That said these 900x600 slabs are fucking heavy, and we're not paying a premium so begars can't be choosers.
While there isn't a 3"/75mm thick concrete slab, there is a very fat layer of morter underneath so I'm a bit happier about that.
I've also come to terms with the bay going. It was never in the right place and having more room for a table means I'm less worried about pruning our hibiscus as hard.
. * waves *
Our patio is going fairly well, but given we over ordered slabs, plus the slab Co over-delivered, I'm a bit annoyed they didn't sort the rougher slabs so that they either weren't used or used in the less visible parts.
That said these 900x600 slabs are fucking heavy, and we're not paying a premium so begars can't be choosers.
While there isn't a 3"/75mm thick concrete slab, there is a very fat layer of morter underneath so I'm a bit happier about that.
I've also come to terms with the bay going. It was never in the right place and having more room for a table means I'm less worried about pruning our hibiscus as hard.