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  • We want to replace this shoddy kitchen cabinet with a 1000m wide unit that has, say 2 deep soft-close, big drawers that can hold all the big cooking pots and pans and a smaller two drawers similar to what's in the photo for the utensils.

    Is there a known good brand/supplier of this stuff that we should look at? Plan is to retain the kitchen top and insert/install the new until thing underneath.

    (and before you say "you can just adjust the doors to straighten them" that's not the only issue, the interior of this unit is fucked)


    Needs to be white and boring and cheap to match the rest of the units (and me).

  • Have a look at the Hafele website if you want to check out components. If you can get the cab made the hardware is all available from Hafele, they do have a range of ready made drawers too.


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