• #10277
We've always just slapped them on the soil. Each corner has a stake buried deeper which keeps them in place.
• #10279
• #10280
impulse buying stuff that doesn’t work with our soil/light and killing it.
This is me too. Add in the complication of having rabbits...
• #10281
• #10282
Work has started.
2 Attachments
• #10283
whats the forum approved lawnmower ?
• #10284
• #10285
1 Attachment
• #10286
I've got a Bosch Rotak and happy with it.
• #10287
Mine conked out last year and I replaced it with a manual push mower. My garden isn't massive and it is nice to just get it out of the shed and whizz around quickly. It cuts really nicely as well.
• #10288
Pushing a mover around isn't very golf club.
• #10289
We've got a Honda powered Mountfield and it hasn't missed a beat in the 6 years we've had it.
• #10290
Not forum approved but I'd get a 2nd hand one. People are always upgrading these things.
Or else get a robot mower.
There is no in between.
• #10291
hi all, my partner has done endless work for a local community garden, transforming our estate over the last 5 or so years. i want to get her put up for an award or get her and her efforts recognised in some way; is there a prize or something I can ask the committee to nominate her for?
• #10292
Have you looked on your local council website? Ours (Lewisham) has yearly community awards for people who've done things like that.
• #10293
Bay is coming out 😥
• #10294
Get it into a pot. Shade. Water/feed well for a year, should be ok.
• #10295
thanks, I won a council award a couple of years ago and feel like it would be nice for her if this was something different (ideally also specific to horticulture)
• #10296
Surely submit to gardeners world!
• #10297
Another vote for Petrol Honda. Grab a future combustion classic ;)
• #10298
I've put a couple of small ponds into the garden - one 40 litres and one 80 litres. What sort of plants should I get to encourage wildlife in? They're just large plastic troughs designed for livestock to drink from, so there's no soil or anything at the bottom.
• #10299
Yeah +1 on honda powered (4 stroke). We inherited a mountfield one with a rear roller when we bought this place and it's great as our garden is on a couple of different levels, none of which are particularly flat....
• #10300
Depends if she's a posho or not.
Ah gravels a good call. It's that or Freecycle pavers