Have also completely shat the bed. Currently 101kg ideal weight is around 85kg. Had a health scare for the first time in my life recently. I was literally sick with worry and didn’t eat much for two weeks, that took me down to 95kg from 102kg, results came back saying that I was in the clear, celebrated my life not being cut short with a kebab. Every day. For a month.
Reminds me of a period of uni when I pretty much had a kebab and tub of ben and jerrys every evening. Not the healthiest diet, though 19 year old metabolism burned through a small portion of it.
Have also completely shat the bed. Currently 101kg ideal weight is around 85kg. Had a health scare for the first time in my life recently. I was literally sick with worry and didn’t eat much for two weeks, that took me down to 95kg from 102kg, results came back saying that I was in the clear, celebrated my life not being cut short with a kebab. Every day. For a month.