Squatting and keeling at odd angles can also fuck off
speaking off, anyone have recommendations for decent knee pads for diy. I can manage about 5 seconds of kneeling and they're something I always promise myself I'll pick up so the next time I'm working on something low down it isn't excruciating and then I immediately forget about it.
Snickers knee pads always get recommended.
I haven't tried them, my work overalls have some old carpet underlay in them, and then if I'm planning to be kneeling loads I use some cheapo ones.
Got to say the difference between my DIY underlay ones vs nothing is huge - so if you're worried about price or will procraste I'd say buy anything, itll be better than nothing.
These are great. Your knees are worth £18.
I use a gardening mat for that as I dont like knee pads but if you have to get knee pads my mate loves the mcapline ones https://mcalpinekneepads.com
Id like the matt but its £60 in the merchants.
There's also the mental exhaustion of having to do everything else. DIY/construction work is not your job, so you end up having to fit it in around everything else and often do it when others would be relaxing or taking time off. There are many days when I finish a 10 hour day of work (woe is me grafting away, on a chair, typing), then realise "ah, fuck, I need to sand the stairs."
Any jobs I've done when I've taken a weekday off work to do it, are 10 times easier.
Squatting and keeling at odd angles can also fuck off. ms_com's office in the eaves room takes 3 times as long and generates 5 times the cursing that any other job does.