• Given that 95% of the world's hydrogen is currently derived from fossil fuels, I can see this happening. Shell and BP will be happy.

  • I looked into a hydrogen boiler for a client although input from a specialist at the time (2020) put an end to that. Key points:

    • Operating on green hydrogen would result in zero carbon emissions although this is costly and most hydrogen available commercially is refined from natural gas.
    • Unlikley to deliver the desired reduction in emissions unless run on green hydrogen.
    • Fuel cell can have a limited lifespan due to impurities in gas supply. Some systems require replacement of the main stack every 5 years to mainain efficiency.
    • Domestic storage of hydrogen is not really a feasible option.
    • Recommendation to have a backup gas boiler [thumbsup.gif].

    So yeah, I imagine there will be a big push from Shell, BP and the other Fossil Fuel Boys in time to come.
