Plot number 1 - managed to continue to tidy, planted some more tomatoes and coriander. Chillis, dahlias, peonies and potatoes seem to be doing well.
Plot number 2 - planted some more dahlias and some sweet corn. Having another bonfire next weekend and then should have a clear run to either rotovate the entire plot to level it and cover the whole thing in card board.
I had a couple of hours at the plot today.
Plot number 1 - managed to continue to tidy, planted some more tomatoes and coriander. Chillis, dahlias, peonies and potatoes seem to be doing well.
Plot number 2 - planted some more dahlias and some sweet corn. Having another bonfire next weekend and then should have a clear run to either rotovate the entire plot to level it and cover the whole thing in card board.