I guess it's time for a bit of an explanation why this project has taken longer than usually. The correct seatpost clamp seems to be sold out everywhere, based on comparing the pictures I ordered one that might fit, it didn't. With the seatpost I didn't realise there's two similar models with a bit of a size difference, one is roughly 5 mm too big for this frame, guess which one I ordered.
Well, anyway, it's always easier to make things smaller than larger. I grinded the clamp a bit and it now fits, the clamp is still too maybe 1 cm too tall to fully slip into the frame as intended.
My plan was to order the correct seatpost, but I realised I'll never be able to sell this one, so might as well cut it to fit. I was quite surprised to see that the rear part of the post is full carbon and not hollow, I only managed to make one small hole to the post that I filled with some epoxy.
And yes, I know the above images aren't perfect examples of health and safety...
I guess it's time for a bit of an explanation why this project has taken longer than usually. The correct seatpost clamp seems to be sold out everywhere, based on comparing the pictures I ordered one that might fit, it didn't. With the seatpost I didn't realise there's two similar models with a bit of a size difference, one is roughly 5 mm too big for this frame, guess which one I ordered.
Well, anyway, it's always easier to make things smaller than larger. I grinded the clamp a bit and it now fits, the clamp is still too maybe 1 cm too tall to fully slip into the frame as intended.
My plan was to order the correct seatpost, but I realised I'll never be able to sell this one, so might as well cut it to fit. I was quite surprised to see that the rear part of the post is full carbon and not hollow, I only managed to make one small hole to the post that I filled with some epoxy.
And yes, I know the above images aren't perfect examples of health and safety...