Robert Oakley Rugby Football League - RFL Three year ban
Russell Spiers Rugby Football League - RFL Three year ban
Callum Marriott Rugby Football League - RFL Three year ban
Jonathan Magrin Rugby Football League - RFL Three-year ban
Ryan Forshaw Rugby Football League - RFL Three-year ban
Ben Harrison Rugby Football League - RFL Four-year ban
Jamie Dallimore Rugby Football League - RFL Three-year ban
Marc Shackley Rugby Football League - RFL Four-year ban
Jamie Acton Rugby Football League - RFL Two-year ban
Andrew Lea Rugby Football League - RFL Four-year ban
Rhys Pugsley Rugby Football League - RFL Eight-year ban
Ross Bevan Rugby Football League - RFL Seven-year, three month ban
Do they drug test school rugby in the UK? I imagine that the pressure to put muscle mass on quickly is fairly high if you look at the average weight of players over the years, between 1994(92kg) and 2023(105kg).