Looking for a few bits to finish off a Brother Kelper I'm building as a flat bar commuter. Want the bars, stem and seatpost to be silver, less bothered about the colour of rack. What you got??
Stem (1-1/8 steerer, 80-100mm?)
Bars with a bit of backsweep and possibly rise?
Seatpost 27.2mm inline
Front rack
Mudguards (velo orange? Kinesis fend off?)
Also looking for a comfy saddle, open to suggestions here
Looking for a few bits to finish off a Brother Kelper I'm building as a flat bar commuter. Want the bars, stem and seatpost to be silver, less bothered about the colour of rack. What you got??
Stem (1-1/8 steerer, 80-100mm?)
Bars with a bit of backsweep and possibly rise?
Seatpost 27.2mm inline
Front rack
Mudguards (velo orange? Kinesis fend off?)
Also looking for a comfy saddle, open to suggestions here