Yeah he gets it, love that he stars with 'i don't have social media'. It's not about being the best, but your best. And whatever your best is, you can take fulfilment beyond imagination from deriving that.
Idiots are always going to cheat though. Winning brings the bank and the glory, even if it's hollow.
Having read his statement, it's great to see some honesty for once. And I can empathise with him, where he was and the wrong decisions he took.
I can't find it now, but about 10-12 years ago they did an anonymous survey of people doing European Ironman events, and iirc 25-30% admitted they were doping. This isn't just the pros - it's the weekend slvlss hobbyists who stand to get nothing more than a participation medal.
Testing was almost non-existent, so they could easily get away with it, but really - for a participation medal and some idle boasting in the office to people who have no real idea what an Ironman actually is?
An emotional but imo absolutely spot on speech from Lionel Sanders after Collin Chartiers EPO ban