For that price you are looking for either vintage or hybrid. I would recommend looking for a hybrid. Sturdy frames, all the attachment points for racks, sensible tyre widths, and build for flat bars.
Technically any bike can be for touring if it is comfortable enough. I would suggest going and test riding some new hybrid bikes from different brands, find the one that fits and is most comfortable, and then look for those makes / models second hand.
For budget gear options - look for second hand stuff on ebay, strange chinese stuff on aliexpress or look at the Decathlon ranges. Aliexpress can be a gamble, second hand requires patience and Decathlon you can see it up close and personal. One of those options should work for you.
Good luck.
I've posted on the Wanted thread too. But thought it worth asking here.
I'm looking on behalf of a friend for a starter touring bike around £250max. Something that all being well can be upgraded as his appetite and budget grows. He's 6ft2 and prefers the idea of flat bars as opposed to drops.
What's worth searching for in the Internet classifieds at this price point?
Thank you.