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  • Conclusions:
    off-road is fun
    on road with an ATB less so
    Bikepacking is the future. Looks much cooler too. The orange fits my wapha.


    • less words
    • hand positions.
      Coming from drops I put my hands ON the brake levers all the time because they "felt" like the hood position. Two blisters besides padded gloves. I have my eye on some stumpies
    • tyre width
      I want to try less off road tyres but more mixed.
    • gearing
      Felt undergeared as in, could use some more teeth up front.
    • waving
      Roadies don't wave to mountainbikes. Even rad bike packing ones.
    • bike packing
      pack more aesthetically to make Tijmen proud.
      Do an overnighted wild camping soon
    • hope seat clamp
      I have a sneaky suspicion the hope seat clamp can't cope with my above mentioned 150% weight because I kept slippin', slippin', slippin'..
      Emergency rival road cranks gotta go.

    Nighty night, that was exhausting!

  • Coming from drops I put my hands ON the brake levers all the time because they "felt" like the hood position

    SQ Labs inner bar ends are what you need


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