The speed limit for bikes used to rely on the Royal Parks Act. And even then it's not completely clear whether it does or doesn't apply to bicycles.
Yes. No. Maybe. As ever, it's clear as mud.
The various Parks Acts, last time I cba to look, do not define a bicycle as a vehicle for the purposes of those Acts. It's in the RTA that the definition of vehicle does include bicycles, within limited contexts.
But not, afaik, actually tested in court.
Aren't Royal Parks, the Park Police and the Met on record as saying that the limits don't apply to bicycles in any case? Which makes the current limit a weird flex.
I thought this had been tested in court and the fines were found to be illegal. If that's the case it is quite clear, speed limits don't apply to bikes.
Reading recent updates from the park it sounds as though they are going to try and claim riders above the speed limit are therefore ridding dangerously and are breaking the law. I may have got 5 after 1+ 1 but if this is the case it would be pretty drastic as drivers (in most cases) aren't charged with dangerous driving when caught speeding.
The speed limit for bikes used to rely on the Royal Parks Act. And even then it's not completely clear whether it does or doesn't apply to bicycles.
Proving a bike is doing more than 20mph is also tricky as (as I understand it) none of the equipment commonly used to check speeds is certified for use against bicycles.