Good point, I hadn't really considered it before and, as you say, not what I intended. That doesn't excuse using a word carelessly but does illustrate how insidiously such words become common use without considering their origins/historical connotations. That said, there are plenty of bad faith actors who will use such words knowing exactly what they mean then feigning surprise when they are called out.
Anyway, I'll get back to rooting for the plucky Raab against the mighty power of Lineker, Vorderman and the elites.
Yeah, fuck those liberal elites/champagne socialists they shouldn’t forget who pays their bills/ shouldn’t over reach themselves. Raab is a self-made work place bully! It’s a free country, rahrahrah (despair/sarcasm emoji)//
my ex-civil service neighbor (don’t you dare gc me) has her own raab bullying story but isn’t a current complainant; believe the hype!
When i find myself reaching for a word to express a powerful group of cohorts in league to serve themselves against the rules or against the common good i choose cartel: it expresses what i mean and makes pleasing reference to criminality. i worry that the word cabal, even if it’s origins are lost to most (kabbalah), invokes an antisemitic meaning that I wouldn’t want to infer