Well, there's a lot of risk if LawGPT generates a flawed but plausible-looking contract, so I imagine people will still want a human to check the results even if they don't have to spend time drafting it.
The lower echelons of journalism seem like a soft target, which is probably why journalists are so exercised. Reformatting press releases into house style, writing articles about things you saw on Twitter, and composing listicles. All bullshit, and all probably automatable, but it's not clear what the career path for new journalists will be if those dry up.
Also the radiologist e.g. always irks me.
Sweet let's pick a profession who's volume of work is limited by the number of people available, so will only suffer a change in process, rather than total removal.
Lawyers strike me as a better e.g. What % of lawyers will be needed in an AI future? At a guess you'd only need those with rights of audience, tax, and immigration.