I played ocarina of time a little at uni about 20 or whatever years ago. That was the first real LoZ experience I had and I thought it was fun but I never got in the hours to complete it.
My wife bought me a Switch when my son was born along with BotW. I tried BotW but just couldn't figure it out, so I shelved it in place of stardew valley and mariokart. But I tried again about a year ago and my son caught me one time (he'd never played or seen a game being played before) and I just thought fuck it. As most parents will at some stage.
He was the Morpheus to my Neo.
He somehow instinctively knew to try weird shit and could figure out puzzles that left me puzzled. We completed it in no time and went on to do all the DLC, master mode etc. Haven't got all the koroks yet (little leafy/twiggy characters that are hiding across the map and give a seed which can be exchanged for a bigger inventory). He lets me handle lynels (which are kind of big bosses but not bosses) but he can do all the rest.
I've tried reading a little bit about the other games but I'd say my knowledge of what's canon is still pretty lacking beyond the basic settings and characters.
So I think in my case a lot of the hype is the shared enjoyment I'll have with kiddo. But also having incrementally watched the trailers over the past year or two as they were released, the last one was a pretty big leap. The teaser, first trailers and even the gameplay demo, while great, were pretty tame and there was lots of chat of it being a 60 quid DLC for BotW. But the latest trailer shows a LOT. The new abilities (fuse and ultrahand - where you can join objects together to give them new abilities) have insane potential. Anything glowing green in the trailer shows something that has been built - not from a recipe or strict formula, just from imagination - finding an old rocket and sticking it on a shield = zoomies. It will be so fun to mess around and discover what's possible.
Gonna watch the trailer again.
I've never played any game with Zelda /link letalone BotW so I can't appreciate the hype
Do need to play as I know BotW is universally acclaimed