Tried a thick beer can to shim the stem, but no dice. After some random googling last night, I think I’ve found a proper 22.2mm-25.4mm shim that can be posted to Australia without excessive postage costs, so I’ll order that next week and was given a better wheelset too.
Seeing that I’ve been sitting on this for so long, I might cough up the cash and buy these Dia-Compe canti’s as well. I have an old Moongoose that I can steal parts from… but I might just rebuild that and sell it cheap to a friend / keep it as a loaner bike.
Still need to figure out how I’m going remove the surface rust and the painted on checker board print. 😔
Still slowly chipping away at this.
Tried a thick beer can to shim the stem, but no dice. After some random googling last night, I think I’ve found a proper 22.2mm-25.4mm shim that can be posted to Australia without excessive postage costs, so I’ll order that next week and was given a better wheelset too.
Seeing that I’ve been sitting on this for so long, I might cough up the cash and buy these Dia-Compe canti’s as well. I have an old Moongoose that I can steal parts from… but I might just rebuild that and sell it cheap to a friend / keep it as a loaner bike.
Still need to figure out how I’m going remove the surface rust and the painted on checker board print. 😔
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