Addressed the worst of the rust spots with a 3 part Tippex pen kit from Halfords - a shoddy job but from a distance it passes muster, and should at least delay further rusting. In the unlikely event anyone is looking to do similar to one of these frames, Nissan Pearl White is a pretty decent colour match, and fits the Japanese made ethos. Half a can of WD-40 inside all the tubes that I could access, as I'm hoping this bike will last many years while living outside.
The other significant progress is the chainset: polished 105 square taper cranks from on here. Narrow wide rings in 130bcd are less easy to get hold of / more expensive than I remember, so I've put on a Surly stainless steel 38t ring I had in the spares box. It will last for more miles than the frame.
Spa cycles chainguard to help with chain retension on the outside and I'll put a dog fang on the inside - should function well although slightly stock-low-end-singlespeed vibes.
One potential worry turned out not to be an issue - these road cranks clear the chainstays fine with the 68x113mm BB they were intended for. Helped by being 165 in length but also I think these frames pre-date MTB standards diverging wildly.
Small update.
Addressed the worst of the rust spots with a 3 part Tippex pen kit from Halfords - a shoddy job but from a distance it passes muster, and should at least delay further rusting. In the unlikely event anyone is looking to do similar to one of these frames, Nissan Pearl White is a pretty decent colour match, and fits the Japanese made ethos. Half a can of WD-40 inside all the tubes that I could access, as I'm hoping this bike will last many years while living outside.
The other significant progress is the chainset: polished 105 square taper cranks from on here. Narrow wide rings in 130bcd are less easy to get hold of / more expensive than I remember, so I've put on a Surly stainless steel 38t ring I had in the spares box. It will last for more miles than the frame.
Spa cycles chainguard to help with chain retension on the outside and I'll put a dog fang on the inside - should function well although slightly stock-low-end-singlespeed vibes.
One potential worry turned out not to be an issue - these road cranks clear the chainstays fine with the 68x113mm BB they were intended for. Helped by being 165 in length but also I think these frames pre-date MTB standards diverging wildly.
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