Yesterday I woke up the Inbred ATB from a long slumber. Since I repaired the rear tyre's sidewall, I didn't really ride it, especially not in its designated terrain. TBH It didn't see any trails, gravel or forests since I moved to Austria :(. I was always a little bit afraid the sidewall of the tyre would just burst.
I went for a 55km gravel loop that includes some easy but fun singletrack bits and the tyre survived and is holding air. So that brings new confidence for me to take this bike out again :)
I recently thought about throwing a suspension fork on it and a dropper seatpost but it would definitely take away from the clean colour-matched aesthetics. I guess it's just my brain being bored and having to think about what else I can change on my bikes constantly. This bike is actually really nice the way it is. Even the low-end gears and brakes are doing an amazing job.
This bike needs more riding.
Yesterday I woke up the Inbred ATB from a long slumber. Since I repaired the rear tyre's sidewall, I didn't really ride it, especially not in its designated terrain. TBH It didn't see any trails, gravel or forests since I moved to Austria :(. I was always a little bit afraid the sidewall of the tyre would just burst.
I went for a 55km gravel loop that includes some easy but fun singletrack bits and the tyre survived and is holding air. So that brings new confidence for me to take this bike out again :)
I recently thought about throwing a suspension fork on it and a dropper seatpost but it would definitely take away from the clean colour-matched aesthetics. I guess it's just my brain being bored and having to think about what else I can change on my bikes constantly. This bike is actually really nice the way it is. Even the low-end gears and brakes are doing an amazing job.
This bike needs more riding.
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