I think it's the vibe of appealing to people's most base instincts rather than elevating them.
"do you like nonces? Are you a fucking nonce? Then don't vote tory you slag!"
I mean I get it. Like Blair making sure everyone knew Letwin and Howard were Jewish, just in case. But I still think it's shitty.
Fuck Rishi Sunak, sure. But snide racist dog whistles? Fuck that. There’s plenty to attack Sunak on without implying that he’s a pedo lover. Attack Sunak for being a literal fucking oligarch. Attack him for something that has substance. Not this disgusting shite.
Racism is good, it appears, when you are doing it against your political opponents.
And lol - the sentencing guidelines under which all those sex offenders went free were literally drawn up under Starmer, so how’s that for socialism? And guess what, some of the mitigations are actually good! They allow for leniency where the offender has a mental disorder or is under the age of 18. Which is good! Sometimes just slamming everyone in jail is the wrong fucking answer.
I've got what I think is a pretty interesting take on the advert furore. It's a viewpoint which has been lost in all the discussion. See what you think of it:
fuck Rishi sunak
It's not bad is it? Really seems to cut through the nonsense.
And as a PSA, failing to adequately jail paedophiles is in no way a left wing position. I'll never understand why people don't realise that social justice requires justice to be served. You cannot call yourself a socialist if you don't enact justice. It's literally right there in the description.