Our setter is about that weight, and gets 600g of the stuff linked below daily. Having discrete patties does make portioning easy, and easy to thaw too.
I probably wouldn't have chosen something with quite that many dubious superfoods in it, but to be fair his digestive health is great so long as we stop him drinking from the Thames or stealing too much cheese.
I'm going to try some of those next order for convenience. I'd never heard of the brand but they look good very similar to what we're buying from Betsys but around 20% cheaper. As soon as I saw the website i thought they were going to be expensive but they're not. He's a fussy fucker but if he likes them I'll switch 👍
Raw dog food suggestions for a 28kg StaffX? Nori had a recent assessment with a behaviourist and she was very pro raw food diets as a tool to improving health and behaviour.
In fairness Nori aced it but i'd be keen to explore it on the health benefits alone. Prodog do a reasonably priced tester pack but the mixed reviews might rule them out as a longer term solution.