I'd be very careful. Perhaps theyr on the verge of over use. I'd back off immediately, a few days to a week easy is way better than weeks off injured. I definitely wouldn't start doing heaving lifting (lifting does have a good place but I'd be cautious this is it). Look into eccentric hamstring exercises and start easy - IE floor sliders. Also get a massage and foam roll regularly. You can self massage but a proper one would be good. I'm not a fan of streaching, except for PNF done with somone. As above, exercises are my preferred way to look after muscles, and massage and rest.
I'd be very careful. Perhaps theyr on the verge of over use. I'd back off immediately, a few days to a week easy is way better than weeks off injured. I definitely wouldn't start doing heaving lifting (lifting does have a good place but I'd be cautious this is it). Look into eccentric hamstring exercises and start easy - IE floor sliders. Also get a massage and foam roll regularly. You can self massage but a proper one would be good. I'm not a fan of streaching, except for PNF done with somone. As above, exercises are my preferred way to look after muscles, and massage and rest.