A bit of an update to my previous woes, in case anyone was following - I had the amplifier apart at the weekend and gave everything a liberal go-over with contact cleaner, got it all back together and... no difference.
Next step is to bring the back-up turntable back from the shop and give that a go - if it turns out to be something loose in the TT itself, I wouldn't be surprised, since I bought it used and the seller made a right fuck-up of packing it for shipping, it was basically loose in the box and must have had a proper rough ride, so managed to get a bunch of money back on it anyway.
Will keep everything crossed - and then it might be new TT time instead!
A bit of an update to my previous woes, in case anyone was following - I had the amplifier apart at the weekend and gave everything a liberal go-over with contact cleaner, got it all back together and... no difference.
Next step is to bring the back-up turntable back from the shop and give that a go - if it turns out to be something loose in the TT itself, I wouldn't be surprised, since I bought it used and the seller made a right fuck-up of packing it for shipping, it was basically loose in the box and must have had a proper rough ride, so managed to get a bunch of money back on it anyway.
Will keep everything crossed - and then it might be new TT time instead!