The currency exchange rate has been against us for a while, but that was OK as I could absord minor differences.
I can't sustainably absorb a 20% cost increase though as my mortgage has jumped 35% at the same time. Things are still good for a couple of months, but long-term it doesn't work so well.
Additionally natural attrition of regular donors occurs (payment modes expire, people unsub, etc), so donations gradually go down over time.
So what are our costs now? In the region of about £550 per month today, and as of 1st April they'll be in the region of £640 per month (not all costs are hosting, but even things like domain names are increasing in price, just not as much as the 20% on hosting).
What's the income now? In the region of about £450 per month today (minor variability month to month), and occasional one off larger donations close the gap such that largely I don't mind the difference... but the cost rises mean I mind the difference.
As usual whilst larger one-off donations help a lot, it's the long-term monthly lower donations from more people that offer stability in the income that make it predictable.
This is mostly an appeal for those where a donation expired and you didn't mean to, consider donating again.
Or, if you find value in the site (even just for shits and giggles) and haven't donated and do want to, then set one up.
I still find it easier to think of it like buying the server a beer each month, or a bottle of wine, etc... and considering that the cost of having this place exist and be there when we need it.
The link to donate is in the header nav, or on the home page on the right hand side.
Re-pinning to front page for a while.
Unfortunately our largest cost has increased 20% which is shown here
The currency exchange rate has been against us for a while, but that was OK as I could absord minor differences.
I can't sustainably absorb a 20% cost increase though as my mortgage has jumped 35% at the same time. Things are still good for a couple of months, but long-term it doesn't work so well.
Additionally natural attrition of regular donors occurs (payment modes expire, people unsub, etc), so donations gradually go down over time.
So what are our costs now? In the region of about £550 per month today, and as of 1st April they'll be in the region of £640 per month (not all costs are hosting, but even things like domain names are increasing in price, just not as much as the 20% on hosting).
What's the income now? In the region of about £450 per month today (minor variability month to month), and occasional one off larger donations close the gap such that largely I don't mind the difference... but the cost rises mean I mind the difference.
As usual whilst larger one-off donations help a lot, it's the long-term monthly lower donations from more people that offer stability in the income that make it predictable.
This is mostly an appeal for those where a donation expired and you didn't mean to, consider donating again.
Or, if you find value in the site (even just for shits and giggles) and haven't donated and do want to, then set one up.
I still find it easier to think of it like buying the server a beer each month, or a bottle of wine, etc... and considering that the cost of having this place exist and be there when we need it.
The link to donate is in the header nav, or on the home page on the right hand side.
Thanks as always.