Check out;
Nitto B132AAF Randonneur
Nitto Grand Randonneur B132
Velo Orange Grand Cru Randonneur
Nitto RM-013
Nitto Mod 177
Soma Brevet Randonneur
Dia-Compe ENE Touring Drop
These all have quite a bit of flare and sweep but pretty large drop and reach. None of them come up that wide on the hoods because of the flare and are often measured on the drops, although the mod177 comes quite wide. I think the velo orange has the biggest flair, but big all round .
I realise its a compact bar thread but some of these are in between compact and traditional in the drop
Yeah, none of those are compact really. i like short and shallow, narrow (40cm CC in the hoods) bars, with like 12degrees of flare. When building around 31.8 stems my goto handlebar is the Pro Discover medium flare, so i was hoping to find something similar
Check out;
Nitto B132AAF Randonneur
Nitto Grand Randonneur B132
Velo Orange Grand Cru Randonneur
Nitto RM-013
Nitto Mod 177
Soma Brevet Randonneur
Dia-Compe ENE Touring Drop
These all have quite a bit of flare and sweep but pretty large drop and reach. None of them come up that wide on the hoods because of the flare and are often measured on the drops, although the mod177 comes quite wide. I think the velo orange has the biggest flair, but big all round .