I've had this hanging in my garage for about 10 years, the intention was to strip and polish it as per the 1994 R900. I subsequently found a R900 and kept this as a spare frame. The 1994 models were one year only, the quirkiest of components was the Dia Compe 1.25" aheadset and matching Controltech stem and oversize 'SUB1' fork. Sub 1 meaning it weighed under pound.
The condition is actually very good for 29 years old, it genuinely has no dents which in itself is hard to believe 😅 just superficial marks to the paint with a very few bubbles under the paint and flaking on the headtube as pictured. BB threads look clean, I do remember having to wrestle an old BB out though, nothing a freshly wound in BB or at worse a trip to the LBS for a thread tap wouldn't sort. Headset bearings and races appear great, the grease would need replacing though. The colour is a blue metallic pearl. Totally rideable as is or ripe for a paint strip and mirror polish 'ala' R900. Size is 56cm C2C top and seat tube. What you see is what you get in the photos.
£75 including UK postage RM48.
I've had this hanging in my garage for about 10 years, the intention was to strip and polish it as per the 1994 R900. I subsequently found a R900 and kept this as a spare frame. The 1994 models were one year only, the quirkiest of components was the Dia Compe 1.25" aheadset and matching Controltech stem and oversize 'SUB1' fork. Sub 1 meaning it weighed under pound.
The condition is actually very good for 29 years old, it genuinely has no dents which in itself is hard to believe 😅 just superficial marks to the paint with a very few bubbles under the paint and flaking on the headtube as pictured. BB threads look clean, I do remember having to wrestle an old BB out though, nothing a freshly wound in BB or at worse a trip to the LBS for a thread tap wouldn't sort. Headset bearings and races appear great, the grease would need replacing though. The colour is a blue metallic pearl. Totally rideable as is or ripe for a paint strip and mirror polish 'ala' R900. Size is 56cm C2C top and seat tube. What you see is what you get in the photos.
£75 including UK postage RM48.
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